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Make your maths programme exciting, engaging and accessible for all your learners.

Ministry Accredited PLD providers

We are a unique service for New Zealand Schools - we focus solely on mathematics PLD with an emphasis on structured teaching also known as MASTERY. We have a passion for seeing mathematics grow in New Zealand's primary, intermediate and secondary schools.

Our team of experienced providers of Professional Learning and Development are able to help you and your school - no matter where you are in NZ.

We can't wait to help you to feel as excited as we do.

The Curriculum Refresh

Maths Associates welcomes the release of the new Draft Maths curriculum recently released by the Ministry of Education along with the expectation of teaching structured maths in 2025.  

Maths Associates has seen school after school being incredibly successful lifting the achievement level of their students across the full spectrum of gifted through to those who have neuro-diverse needs and those who are struggling.  

When you apply the principles of structured maths using a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach with manipulatives, you raise the achievement of every child.  

We are gearing up in the expectation that we will be successful in being awarded contracts to deliver PLD in the near future to help schools implement structured maths and the new curriculum.